Ryan had his tonsils removed last week. There was a bit of drama involved with him getting the surgery done, he was supposed to get them removed on Tuesday but we ended up having to wait until Thursday due to a scheduling mistake. But everything worked out in the end. We waited until the night before the surgery to tell him because he gets so very nervous about anything that involves doctors. This boys has had more medical incidents than any of our kids: a nickel stuck in his throat, broken collarbone, and lots and lots of trips to the doctor for strep throat. I had already told Ryan that he was going to the doctor the next day but I hadn't gone into detail. Matt started off by telling him that when he went to the doctor the next day he was going to take a nap while they looked at his throat. Ryan laughed a little laugh and said, "You're kidding, right daddy?" Then he looked at me with tears in his eyes and said, "Daddy's kidding, right mama?" It was the saddest thing I've ever seen! But we got through the talk and he seemed to be okay. The next morning he cried when we left house, he cried when they called us back to the room, he cried when they wheeled him back to surgery. It's so hard watching your baby cry because they're so scared of what's going to happen. Somehow, I went the whole day without crying, I don't know how but I did! After surgery Ryan was doing great! He ate a popsicle and some jell-o. While he was eating his popsicle he was still loopy from the anesthesia and he held the popsicle up in front of his face and kind of squinted his eyes and said, "If I do this to my eyes I can see two popsicles!" It was so funny!
After he was released we took him home and he's been doing great ever since! He hasn't even acted like he had surgery! We've been trying to keep him on a soft food diet, but that only lasted for the first day. Well not even the first day because he snuck a cheddar bite Matt had brought home from Sonic that day. He's been eating lots of jell-o, popsicles, icees, ice cream, mashed potatoes, scrambled eggs and yogurt. But he's also eaten part of a cheeseburger and french fries with absolutely no problem. And he's also using his voice at full volume as usual! This kid is so loud it's like he can't control the volume of his voice! I thought surely we'd get a couple days of him using a soft voice. That didn't happen! The first day he came home he was yelling.
Needless to say, he's doing great! Thanks to all our family and friends for your help and prayers!

Look at how fake this smile is! He was totally annoyed that I was making him take a picture with his Icee!

Eating mashed potatoes and Jell-O, it doesn't get much better than that!
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