We love spending the evenings outside! The boys especially love to ride their bikes and run up and down the street. We are so lucky that we live on such a good street. There are families all around us that have young children. So the boys always have someone to play with. Here are some pictures of the boys I've taken recently...
I had to bribe Gabe to get him to sit still long

They were playing hide and seek and this is 

enough for these next two pictures...but I
think it was well worth it! :)
Ryan counting...
I'm also trying to get caught up on my scrapbooking. I'm waaaaay behind! So I've been scrapbooking some pictures of the boys when they were much younger. Here are a few I've done lately...
This is Gabe when he was about 1. The journaling reads:
"You are on the brink. I see you on the edge of babyhood ready to
burst into childhood. You are so close to walking, talking, running,
jumping. A great big wonderful world is out there waiting for you.
We'll be there to watch you. So go for it. Step forward boldly.
Childhood is calling."

This Ryan when he was about 3 or 4 months old. These pictures
just crack me up! He started of the "photo shoot" so happy and
talkative and he ended up screaming at the top of his lungs!

I guess you could call this a memorial to all the beautiful curls
Ryan had when he was little. I absolutely loved his curls and I
miss them so much!

This is just a fun one I did of the boys in the bath...

This is another one I did of Gabe when he was about 1. I just
love these pictures of him!

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