Blessed Beginnings Christmas Program
It's that time of year! We've been going, going, going. This is the busiest time of year for Matt so he's been working very hard. We're so lucky to have such a great provider for a husband and daddy! Christmas time is also a busy time at school. We had a Christmas program earlier this week, which took lots of preparation. But it turned out great! Ryan's class opened the program in prayer. It was so cute! They have a little rhyme that they say before they pray, and then when they say Amen they all get so excited and clap and yell! They also played Jingle Bells with little bells. Ryan just stood there and watched everyone. He didn't jingle once, but he was still cute.
Gabe got to say a memory verse with a few select kids. The kid is such a sponge, he nailed it. But his finger was in his nose the whole time. His verse was "Do not be afraid, I bring you good news. A Savior has been born, he is Christ the Lord." Luke 2:10 & 11. His class also sang "In the Lord's Army" and a song called "Little Bitty Baby". Gabe was so cute, he was trying so hard not to smile. This was his expression during most of the program, cheeks sucked in trying not to crack a smile.
I tried to get the boys picture in front of the Christmas tree, but this was the best that I got. Nice, huh? Those two just will NOT pose for me and it's driving me crazy!
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